Larry Garside

Larry has been involved in Nevada geology since his days in graduate school at the Mackay School of Mines in the late 1960s. He joined the faculty of the Nevada Bureau of Mines & Geology in 1968. Larry retired in July 2009 after 41 years of service to the geologic community in Nevada.

Larry has produced more than 100 geologic publications including papers and abstracts in professional journals, 3 – NBMG Bulletins, 6 – NBMG Reports, 5 – NBMG Special Publications, 15 – NBMG Geologic Maps, 11- Geothermal related publications and 17 – NBMG Open-File Reports. Some highlights of these publications include the geologic maps of the Camp Douglas and Olinghouse quadrangles, Bulletin 81, Radioactive Mineral Occurrences in Nevada, 1973 and Special Publication 19, Geologic and natural history tours of the Reno area, 2005. It is unlikely that there is a practicing field geologist in the state of Nevada that has not had numerous occasions to use the geologic maps that Larry has produced over his years of work at the Bureau.

Larry is an active member in GSN. In 1969-1970 Larry served as Secretary/Treasurer of the GSN Executive Committee and in 1973-1974 he served as Chairman. Larry has also contributed to many GSN publications including 7 articles in Symposium Proceeding and several contributions to GSN field trip guidebooks.

As impressive as Larry’s publication record is, his most significant contribution to professionals in the geologic community and to the general public may be his openness and availability. Larry has always been willing to share his vast knowledge of the state’s geology and familiarity with almost every part of it with anyone who calls, e-mails, or drops by to ask him anything on any topic related to Nevada geology. I believe his willingness to listen to other’s ideas and share his knowledge has been his most significant contribution to the geologic community in Nevada.